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Key Safeguarding Policies

For convenience, we have grouped together key safeguarding policies and guidance on this page.  Some will be "doubled up" on other relevant pages; for example, you will be able to find our Online Safety Policy on the Online Safety page, as well as on this one.  This is to give safeguarding the highest profile.

The policies on this page have been ratified by the Chair of Governors.  Signed copies of the policies below are available from the school office upon request.

School Specific Policies

          Anti-bullying policy

          Attendance policy

          Behaviour policy

          Complaints policy

          Equality policy

          First Aid policy

          Health and Safety policy

          Intimate Care policy         

          Online Safety policy

          Protocol for children not collected from school at the end of the school day/activity

          Relationships Education Policy

          Responding to Prejudice Related incidents policy

          Safer Recruitment policy

          Single Central Record Policy

          Safeguarding and Child Protection policy 

          Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions policy

          Use of Mobile Phone and Other Smart Devices Policy

          Whistleblowing policy

 Government/National Guidance


The following policies form part of staff recruitment and employment.  The policies are available on request:

  • Lone Working policy
  • Acceptable use guidance
  • Staff Code of Conduct
  • Staff Discipline and Grievance procedures